This online tool allow a quick visualization of main management metrics and of the impact of land-use change (LUC) on contaminant level predicted in extraction wells for a typical nitrate contamination in the Central Valley (CA, USA). It can be found on the first link located on the top right panel of this page.
The aquifer representation and the concentration outputs are expressed stochastically in order to account for the variability or uncertainty in the contaminant transport conditions.
It does not intent to reproduce an actual contamination, but provides a global understanding of the potential dynamic of different useful metrics and allows to assess time-scales of contamination propagation and of eventual management actions.
More details about the simulation setup and conceptual background can be found in the "Background" section of the online tool, and in the publication linked on this page.
The numerical simulations used to produce the different plots shown on the tool can be reproduced using the scripts, apps, and methodology provided in the second link located on the right panel.